Big Impact from Small Change
Think a small change can’t make a big difference? So many of us do and it’s a mindset that often prevents any change from happening at all. As a society, we can’t stand by and watch the environmental cracks widen. That’s why, in 2018, we installed an LGI 500 biogas flare at the small regional landfill in Gympie.
The flare complies with the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) and has already cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, which has had a big effect on the environment. This again shows the critical role of carbon abatement in saving the planet one landfill at a time…no matter its size.
Biogas Captured
Carbon Abatement
ACCUs Created
Seedlings Planted
Cars off the Road
We are proud to do our bit to reduce carbon and protect the environment
Biogas is constantly emitted from a landfill. Even on a small site, this can account for 60% to 80% of a council’s carbon emissions so the Gympie biogas flare makes a significant impact. It improves air quality, cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions and helps the local economy.

Improves air quality
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Contributes to the local economy
Stimulates future development opportunities
Contributes to best practice landfill management
While it’s worth doing for the environment alone, the economic benefit of carbon credits also creates a commercially viable project for additional abatement under the ERF. It all adds up to a win-win for the council and the region at a minimal cost.