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LGI - Icon Greenhouse Gas Abatement

Biogas captured

48.7 million m3
LGI - Icons -Co2 Abated

Carbon abatement

463 thousand tonnes (t CO2e - environment benefit)
LGI - Icons - Carbon Credits

ACCUs created

227 thousand Australian carbon credit units
LGI - Icons Seedlings Planted

Seedlings planted

7.7 million seedlings planted for 10 years (t CO2e)
LGI - Icons - Cars off the road

Cars off the road

14,602 (for the last 12 months of carbon abatement)
As of December 2024

Biogas Capture and Abatement from Landfill Project

We expedite the transition to renewables with clean energy and carbon abatement solutions. Carbon credits enable a commercially viable flaring project to create additional abatement and potentially a future biogas to power project.

  • Long-term contract with Bundaberg Regional Council to recover and beneficially use biogas from this regional landfill at Cedars Rd, Bundaberg West. This improves air quality, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to the local economy.

  • No regulatory requirement to capture biogas, however ACCUs enable additional carbon abatement (above its 30% baseline) from a commercially viable flaring & potential future power generation project under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

  • Since 2013, LGI installed a bespoke biogas management system with an ERF compliant biogas flare. Council benefits from this bespoke biogas management system at minimal cost.

  • LGI collaborates closely with the Council regarding the design, installation, operations and maintenance of the biogas management system, including the monitoring and reporting services provided.