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Measuring and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.

Committed to sustainability, innovation, and industry leadership in reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions

Measuring and reducing our carbon footprint is one active and immediate action LGI is taking to support a conclusion of the IPCC regarding the importance of reducing emissions to zero by mid-century to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Guided by our in-house carbon expertise we actively manage and seek to reduce our carbon footprint or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions .We also assist our customers to measure, manage and reduce the GHG emissions produced by their landfills.

We are measuring and implementing actions to reduce our carbon footprint in a manner consistent with the Climate Neutral Now initiative of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC).


Quantify (measure) our greenhouse gas emissions

  • In FY22 our GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) were 534 tonnes of CO2-e which we have offset 100% by retiring ACCUs.

  • Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse (GHG) emissions that occur from sources that LGI controls or owns (e.g., emissions associated with our offices, renewable power stations, carbon abatement operations and vehicles

  • For Scope 2 emissions which relate to purchased electricity, LGI buys 100% GreenPower electricity for our Brisbane headquarters and generates renewable electricity for our Canberra office.


    Plans and actions to reduce those emissions with the goal of achieving net zero (or negative) emissions in our organisation.

    • We have voluntarily retired an equivalent amount of ACCUs to fully offset our FY22 Scope 1 and 2 emissions and will to do this every year.

    • We use our own renewable power on our generation sites and purchase 100% green for any grid purchased energy.

    • We have 2 electric vehicles (EVs) in our fleet and will transition the remainder as suitable commercial EVs are available in Australia.

    • Read more here about other ways we are reducing our emissions and reducing waste, while also focussing on recycling and re-use.

    Recycling and beneficial use


Expediting emission reduction and sustainable development through the use of carbon credits, and achieving climate neutrality now.

  • We aim to offset 100% of our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by voluntarily retiring an equivalent amount of ACCUs each year.

  • In 2023, we will endeavour to further understand our other emissions (scope 3) and implement measurable actions to achieve further abatement by reducing and offsetting those emissions.

Our ESG initiatives